Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs, Mashed Cauliflower, & More Meatloaf

What I made: On Wednesday we had mustard glazed Chicken Thighs with Cauli-Mash & sautéed green beans. This meal was SO easy, and SO delicious. The Chicken and Cauli-Mash were both from the 21 Day Sugar Detox Guidebook.

This is what my menu looked like this week
How long it took: I knew that it was going to take 45 minutes to bake (although it actually took more like an hour), and I didn't want us keeping Sonny up forever to wait until its done to eat (he takes a really long time to eat). So I prepped the mustard glaze and got it on the chicken, in the casserole dish and covered it with foil with directions on how to bake on top. Phillip put it in when he got home (which is around 30-45 min. ahead of me) and this plan worked out great! I had just enough time to make the cauliflower mash and green beans and eat shortly after I got home. This plan worked out so well that I will look for other recipes that I can do this with in the future, too.

What I did differently/how I changed the recipe: I didn't have a steamer basket as the cauliflower mash recipe called for, so I just microwaved it. This ended up taking a long time, and finally I gave up before the cauliflower was fork tender. Since then I've purchased a steamer basket, so it will be much easier next time. This mash was delicious and I will definitely make it again with future recipes, it lasted us two meals.

Lessons Learned: Buy the steamer basket!

Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs Rating: 4.5 (I gave it a 5, Phillip 4.25)
Creamy Herb Mashed Cauliflower Rating: 5

Both of these meals made much more than I planned, so we skipped going to the farmer's market and getting fresh fish this week, and were able to have leftovers from these two meals all week.

Leftover meatloaf with more cauli-mash & sautéed green beans


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