Weeknight Cook, Weekend Camper

I don’t really know how it started, but 2017 was the year of getting creative in the kitchen for me. This creativity came through the ever growing collection of Paleo cookbooks that keep arriving from Amazon (how does that keep happening anyway?! ;) Every week this year I have made a minimum of two new recipes (sometimes more like 5-7!) from these cookbooks and have truly enjoyed learning my way around all sorts of new ingredients, and then tasting and rating each recipe. I’ve been adding ratings and notes in my cookbooks, but after talking with my sister I mentioned how I had been throwing around the idea of creating a blog to chronicle my adventures in the kitchen. She loved the idea and said that she would definitely like to read it. And so Weeknight Cook, Weekend Camper was born.

I plan to use this blog to write about the recipes I try (obviously) but also the other things I’m trying in my life. Workouts, goals, and all things I’m doing to become the best version of myself. I have lots of ideas of what I may post about, but nothing is set in stone, so it will be fun to see how this blog evolves.

I debated about including crafter in the title because I really love to craft, too. I do have a blog called The Paper Parade that I post on about once a month, but I think I’ll keep these separate for now. With my new love of cooking my crafting has really been put on the back burner, but you may see a post about my creative tendencies here and there, too.

This year we became seasonal campers, so we have been camping every single weekend since Mother’s Day in addition to spending two weeks for vacation at the campground. We already paid the deposit to keep our site for next year, too, so it seemed as though the title for this blog was well chosen. I had a list that I was debating on for titles, but this is the one Phillip helped me to choose.

I look forward to posting here to keep a journal of all the great things I’ve tried in the kitchen and out!


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